
Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to common questions about ToucanFX.

Is there a free trial?

Yes! You can try it for free

Can I get a refund?

If you have not used the product, then all payments are refundable within 7 days. No questions asked.

Is this a one-time payment or subscription?

This is a one-time payment, you buy credits and can use them whenever you want.

You are just a wrapper. Why do you need to charge?

Yes, I'm just another wrapper but I need to keep the lights on. And also, who doesn't like money? ;)

My library is empty. Why don't I have all the credits to create new ones?

Maybe you have created special effects and deleted them, to keep your library organized? If you think you are being affected by a bug on the website, please, do let me know at

Do you have any other question?

No problem! email me at I'll be glad to answer your questions!